Re: dr suess on the loose...

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Sat May 29 1999 - 14:46:19 MDT

> > Anders Sandberg [] wrote:
> > >We need more transhumanists to write childrens books! And cartoons!
> Yes, Anders, that is exactly where I was going with this thread. Does
> anyone know of *existing* childrens literature that has extropian memes?
> I dont. I may try to generate some. spike

Here's a topic: what is "children's literature", and why? That is,
what makes a particular story suitable for children, and how could
good stories that already exist be adapted for them (assuming one
gets around the impediment of copyright)? Certainly, books for very
young children are just simpler English and less complex stories,
but I'm thinking more of the prime education years: ages 6-12, where
kids are beyond Dr. Seuss but aren't ready for Salinger. How would
one go about adapting, say, a Greg Egan story for the Hardy Boys'
audience, without dumbing it down?

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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