Re: Property Rights

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 14:07:02 MDT

>> We will never work together with the antigun folks, their
>> desire is to eliminate all guns.
> Your us-them mentality and subsequent hard-line circle-the-
> wagons extremism is one of the main obstacles to reasonable
> people co-opreating to craft readonable solutions.

Oh, and the gun banners are all rational, reasonable people
willing to work side-by-side with gun owners for good solutions?
Yeah, right.

>> The existing gun laws, minus those that are unconstitutional,
>> (handgun bans, assault weapons ban) are sufficient if enforced.

> Tell that to the parents of the Littleton dead, that B.G checks at
> gun shows aren't needed. I'd love to see how they answered you.

See what I mean? It's meaningless irrational emotional bullshit
like that that costs gun-banners any hope of credibility. They
keep pointing to the problem with tearful rhetoric about dead kids
without even the faintest clue that anything they do will actually
work, and then they villify as evil anyone with the temerity to
even suggest that they might be wrong. The press makes things
worse by highlighting the rare and spectacular incidents like this
while completely ignoring the thousands of occasions where guns
quietly served their purpose.

Please keep it up though. The more and more banners rant, the
more rational people can see that the NRA is the one arguing with
integrity and reason, and that it is HCI and ilk who are the

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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