Available: Hushmail- fully encrypted, truly secure, free web-based e-mail client

From: Matthew Gaylor (freematt@coil.com)
Date: Sat May 22 1999 - 09:59:15 MDT



Speak freely with Hushmail!

Much more than webmail! Much more than SSL! HushMail uses java applet
technology to bring a full-featured public-key cryptosystem right into your
browser. What does that mean to you? Total privacy! Absolutely no-one but
you can read your messages!

HushMail is the world's Þrst, fully encrypted, truly secure, free web-based
e-mail client. Our patent pending, state-of-the-art technology keeps
private communication private. Free and easy to use, It works just like
other web-based email providers, except Hushmail offers the ultimate in
security and privacy.

Signing on is simple. Just click on "GET AN ACCOUNT" and you'll be asked
for your username and some basic demographic information. Jiggle your mouse
to generate a random set of keys and you're ready to go. It's that simple.
Hushmail requires no special software or conÞguration. The whole
registration process can take less than 2 minutes.

And with Hushmail you get the following beneÞts:

It's completely free.

It's easy to use.

And it's the only service that offers fully encrypted, truly secure,
completely private e-mail.

HushMail uses a patent-pending process called "public key cryptosystem with
roaming user capability." That means that the only people who can read your
mail are the people that you send it to. And it also mean that you can
access your account from any computer that has a web browser and internet
access, anywhere in the world.

It's your choice.

Before Hushmail, you didn't have an easy option for complete security and
privacy in your web-based email communications. It just didn't exist. The
ineffective encryption measures used by other email service providers just
don't measure up to the patent pending, state-of-the-art security provided
by Hushmail. And our easy-to-use interface means that you don't have to
change the way you are used to using email.

So now that you have a choice between secure and private communications or
unsecured communications, we hope you'll choose security and privacy. In
short, we hope you choose Hushmail.

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Matthew Gaylor,1933 E. Dublin-Granville Rd.,#176, Columbus, OH 43229
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