Extropian Psychotherapy & Supersanity.

From: Paul Hughes (paul@i2.to)
Date: Thu May 20 1999 - 14:58:45 MDT

Rather than try to reply to all of the insightful posts
regarding 'psychotherapy, science fiction, and sanity', I'll
try to summarize my ideas in one post.

In large part, I think most of us agree on certain aspects
of what a 'sane' person would be, as particularly outlined
in Max More's Extropian Principles - Pancritical
Rationalism, Practical Optimism, the use of Korzybski's
E-Prime, as well as the assistance of advancing
technological augmentations. The pathway towards rational
behavior is well laid out. I think the path gets sticky
however when dealing with the other aspects of the psyche -
especially the emotional ones. All of us on this list have
at one time or another found ourselves caught in flamed
discussions. As much we try, I can't think of anyone on the
list who hasn't had an overly emotional reaction at least
once. As much as we pride ourselves on extropian values,
and rational thought, there is still lots of room for
improvement. If you feel you do not fit in this category
and our the pinnacle of sanity, then you will be in much
demand as a psychotherapist for the rest of us. :-)

I am aware of at least two 'technologies' and methods not
mentioned yet, that offer great promise in increasing sanity
and long-term happiness. The first is the drug Ecstasy,
which we now unfortunately realize has very bad long-term
side effects with prolonged use. This drug was made illegal
in 1986. I had the fortune to try it a couple of times
before then. If anyone else out there has tried it, I'm
certain you will concur with me that its effects can be
positively profound. In less than 6 hours, I was able to
work through several emotional trauma's and neurotic
hang-ups, re-assess my world outlook, experience a state of
genuine unprecedented happiness, and relax and undo muscular
tension which had plagued me for years. Although the
experience itself comes to an end, the positive effects can
last forever. After my first experience, I was convinced
this drug would heal all of the worlds problems and bring an
end to war. To a certain degree I still believe this. The
problem with ecstasy however, is that it is only effective
as a psychotherapeutic agent 2 or 3 times, after which it
acts as simple amphetamine. The reason seems to be a
long-term depletion of seratonin and eventually if
continued, serious damage to dendritic/axonic pathways.

Despite the technical problems with ecstasy, its effects
hint at a neurological re-engineered pathway to increased
happiness and emotional sanity. If only research into the
drug were legal, and billions of dollars of research could
be focused on isolating its positive effects and eliminating
its negative ones, could we have a genuine extropian mind
tool of unprecedented power.

Another tool which is perfectly legal, is the use of a
flotation tank. Although its effects are not nearly as
powerful as ecstasy, it can substantially help you relax
your body and focus your mind. I've found it quite useful
in clearing out daily residue and mental noise.

The use of Ecstasy + Flotation Tank = even more powerful
change. The second time I tried ecstasy I took it moments
before embarking on a 90 minute float session. To quickly
summarize, the events of the float itself were uneventful,
but my re-emergence from the tank was totally profound. It
was as if I took an entirely new body imprint. My body felt
alien, new, better, stronger, healthier. When I left the
float center, the world seemed entirely new. I realized
then and there the utter subjectivity of my existence and
the power our minds have in shaping that existence. As
trite as it sounds, I realized that if everyone could
permanently achieve these states I'm experiencing, the world
could end war, poverty and all other means of suffering.
That things like limited resources, economic upheavals and
the like, exist in large part because of the limits of our
own thinking, feeling and acting. Instead of squandering
our resources, they could be focused towards increased
efficiency, intelligence increase, life extension, space
migration, scientific and technological advance.

For a fantastic and complete treatment of these issues, I
suggest reading David Pearce's 'Hedonistic Imperative' at

Paul Hughes

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