Re: New Star Wars Movie Anti-Extropian?

From: Philip Witham (
Date: Thu May 20 1999 - 01:52:15 MDT

>Haven't seen the new Star Wars movie (The Phantom Menace) but after
>reading an article on it in Time/ Newsweek/ US News & World Report,
> I don't think I will. There was a quote from the movie featured

Just saw it. When it ended, the audience didn't just clap, didn't just
cheer, some of them *screamed* their approval of the movie. And happily
milled about the lobby and theatre, somewhat stunned. Yes, it's just a
Star Wars movie, and just entertainment, and almost a children's story, but
that's the point. Any movie critic putting this one down needs to find a
new line of work. It paints a larger universe with more detail and beauty
than ever on film before. And, there is a partial sci-fi explaination for
"the force" that makes it a bit more palatable to us hard sci-fi fans.


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