RE: Goals

Date: Tue May 18 1999 - 05:49:41 MDT

O'Regan, Emlyn [] wrote:
>Wouldn't such a thing be a target? If someone was annoying you who was
>dependent on a Jupiter sized brain, then wouldn't you be tempted to lob
>a couple of fusion bombs at it (sorry all you pacifists out there).

Yes, though it would take a lot more than a couple of fusion bombs to do
anything more than annoy it; just look at how little damage Jupiter
suffered from those cometary impacts a while back.

Personally I'm not terribly interested in Jupiter-sized brains myself, I'm
just pointing out that the utopians who tell us that everyone will have all
their needs and desires fulfilled obviously don't have a clue as to just
how much some people will desire. What they're really saying is 'I don't
have very big needs and desires, so if I multiply that by n billion then
we can easily meet everyone's needs and desires, if only they think just
like me'. Then, of course, they have to stop anyone with greater needs and
desires from acting upon them because that would tear their utopia apart.


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