Re: Property Rights

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon May 10 1999 - 18:06:01 MDT

> Most property that humans use is created by humans, and we can always
> create more. There is a finite amount of accessible natural resources on
> Earth, but there is plenty to provide all humans with a very comfortable
> living situation, with current technology. Because humans generally view
> most other humans as enemies, they refuse to cooperate with each other to
> provide a comfortable situation for all involved. This perpetual war
> among most humans is the source of most human problems.
> "Property rights" is a good solution when people have little respect for
> each other and would routinely deprive each other of the basic
> necessities for living. But the concept of property rights does little
> to heal the underlying hostility among humans. If people were not so
> hostile towards each other, there would be no need for "property rights".

Believe me, I am not as blindly dismissive of your ideas as you might
imagine--but I still think you're so far from reality here that it's
in a different zip code. Your assumption that there exists "enough"
physical resources for all humans rests on the faulty notion that
there is such a thing as "enough", or such a thing as a "comfortable"
standard of living. No such thing exists. The human will is infinite,
and the resources to serve that will are finite. I "hoard" resources
to my will not because I begrudge others their will, but simply
because I value my own, and the two inevitably conflict. I genuinely
want every human on the planet to be wealthy beyond their dreams, and
every human /will/ be wealthy beyond the dreams of /today/'s humans
tomorrow. But when that happens, the infinite desires of all humans
will ensure that some will want more, and more, and more. That's a
good thing. If our resources ever become "enough" to satisfy our
wills, then our wills are too limited.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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