EMP Weaponry Article

From: Danny Yavuzkurt (ady1@psu.edu)
Date: Tue May 04 1999 - 18:18:10 MDT

I was just reading through the latest Politech email from Declan McCullagh,
and this article caught my eye.. it's an in-depth report on the feasibility
of creating conventional, inexpensive EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons,
not sure of the publication date, but it certainly seems right up the
extropian alley. For one thing, relating to the current conversation on
data storage tech, we're not even looking at the possibility - no, the
virtual *certainty* - that such weapons, and the use of such, will become
widespread. When one considers this, we're right back to chiseling on


Excellent report, full of pictures, diagrams, and decodings of those
annoying acronyms... worth taking a look at.


PS: I just generated a new 4096-bit PGP key, in response to Shamir's
creation of a faster cracking engine... if you want it, you can retrieve it
from the new international PGP database at ldap://pgp.surfnet.nl:11370
(port 11370).. look for 'Altan Daniel Yavuzkurt' or

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