
Date: Wed Apr 28 1999 - 14:40:45 MDT

The purpose of education is to prepare oneself with the knowledge and
skills necessary to make good decisions and improve one's overall

Education is basically about developing an increasingly accurate and
useful understanding of one's overall situation, including one's own
ability to modify one's overall situation.

Advanced Education is centered on helping individuals recognize their own
abilities and supporting them in developing their abilities even further.

Advanced Education is focused on improving all of one's existing
abilities. If you can see, you can learn to see more clearly. If you can
think, you can learn to think more clearly, more creatively, more
intelligently. If you can move your body, you can learn to increase your
strength, dexterity, flexibility, agility, endurance and efficiency in
your movements. If you can learn, you can learn to learn more quickly,
more thoroughly. If you can make choices, you can learn to improve the
quality of the choices you make. If you can enjoy living, you can learn
to enjoy living more fully. If you can do something, you can learn to
improve at it.

Advanced Education relies on the determination of individuals to improve
their overall situation and the cooperation of others with complementary

Advanced Education relies on an accurate perception of one's situation
and one's abilities. One cannot make good decisions without an accute
understanding of one's situation and one's options.

To develop a more accurate perception of one's situation and one's
abilities, one must improve sensory, perceptive and cognitive abilities.
To improve sensory and perceptive abilities, one must learn to be more
alert to each moment of experience and pay attention to the details and
to the larger patterns of experience. To improve cognitive abilities,
one must learn to be more alert to one's own thinking and pay attention
to the more subtle aspects of thinking, to pay close attention to all the
cascades of thoughts that every experience triggers. To develop a more
accurate perception of one's situation and one's abilities, one must pay
close attention to one's current situation and abilities.

Advanced Education relies on the commitment of the individual to improve
all their skills and abilities. To improve one's skills and abilities,
one must use one's skills often and pay close attention to all one's
actions as one is performing them. This provides instant feedback and
assists in quick self-correction of behavior.

The most basic lesson in Advanced Education is to pay intense attention
to the present moment. All other lessons rely on that lesson. With
practice, paying intense attention to the present moment becomes easier
as it becomes a normal aspect of one's behavior. The present moment is
considered the most important moment because it is when one makes
choices, and learning to make choices which improve one's overall
situation is the main point of Advanced Education.

- David Musick

don't hurry
don't worry
just watch carefully
and do what is appropriate right now

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