RE: Einstein's Brain

From: Gina Miller (
Date: Sat Apr 24 1999 - 23:12:38 MDT

I found this: (The picture -of Einsteins brain- is included as an
Relics - Einstein's Brain
Director: Kevin Hull
35mm/color/65 min
In 1955, the great scientist Albert Einstein died in Princeton - his
express wish was that his body be cremated, so as to leave no earthly
remains. But, on the day of his death, his brain was secretly removed
by doctors at Princeton Hospital - supposedly for "scientific study."
Nearly 40 years later, no study is complete, and there are only
rumors as to whereabouts of the missing brain. . . . This film
follows the quest of an Einstein expert, Professor Sugimoto Kenji,
who travelled from his home in Japan to the USA to try and find the
greatest relic of 20th century science.

Here's the link

Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival Organizing Committee

Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
Nanotechnology Industries
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