Re: Transhuman cuppa

Date: Sat Apr 24 1999 - 07:02:29 MDT

In a message dated 99-04-19 01:54:35 EDT, (O'Regan,
Emlyn) wrote:

> Anyone got good ideas on Pointless Passtimes for Transhumans, or what a
> dyson sphere entity does when he/she feels like a nice cup of tea?

Historical simulations, especially creating the most accurate possible
recreations of historically significant people. I imagine a "hobby" that
would be fabulously expensive in computational terms in which the historical
circumstances of the birth and development of specific historical figures is
simulated in as much detail as possible, in an attempt to "grow"
personalities that mimic as closely as possible the real personalities of
specific individuals about whom a lot of biographical detail exists. These
individuals would of course be only rough approximations of the originals,
but success could be measured in terms of how closely the "output" of such
individuals matched the historical record.

I have an idea for an SF novel in which a Power decides to recreate Mary
Shelley in this way, and then, of course, falls in love with her . . . "The
Matrix" meets "Frankenstein" meets "Time after Time"

        Greg Burch <>----<>
     Attorney ::: Vice President, Extropy Institute ::: Wilderness Guide -or-
                         "Civilization is protest against nature;
                  progress requires us to take control of evolution."
                                      -- Thomas Huxley

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