Re: Gender importance/The differences article

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Sat Apr 24 1999 - 01:07:09 MDT

Gina Miller wrote,

>Here's an article that is interesting considering our recent

>Although these gender-specific variations cause tangible differences
>in how the brain functions, one type is not "better" or "worse" than
>the other. Said de Courten-Myers, "It seems reasonable to assume that
>specific functions may benefit from the presence of more cells while
>others may be enhanced by a larger number of connections between
>them. A better understanding of these issues may potentially affect a
>wide spectrum of human activities such as health care, psychology and

Yeah, to say nothing of how "these issues" (neuroscience) may potentially
enable extropian humanity to emerge. We can't know anything about "better"
or "worse" in the case of human brains because we don't know enough about
how brains work. (When scientists know enough about how brains work so that
they can identify what makes them "better" or "worse", better scientists may
wonder what kind of brain becomes a Buddha, while worse scientists may try
to build one.)

>"The recognition of gender-specific ways of thinking and feeling --
>rendered more credible given these established differences -- could
>prove beneficial in enhancing interpersonal relationships." Said de
>Courten-Myers, "However, the interpretation of the data also has the
>potential for abuse and harm if either gender would seek to construct
>evidence for superiority of the male or female brain from these

Just as we shouldn't judge books by their covers (even though everyone
does), so it makes no sense to try to determine the potential capability of
brains by looking at them, because neuroscience has not yet established
reliable correlations between specific brain structures and performance
excellence. It does, nevertheless, seem intriguing that only male brains
have attained the cognitive eminence of Moses, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna,
Christ, Lao Tzu, Socrates, Gurdjieff, et al.

 Einstein's brain did (does -- they keep it in a jar) look different (under
the microscope) than other brains, but perhaps that has to do with the way
he used it. Sort of like callouses on hard working hands.

--J. R.

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