Re: California suicide law

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Fri Apr 23 1999 - 21:10:18 MDT

Gina Miller wrote:

> What local paper did you read this in Spike? I've been looking around
> in Major California news papers and can not find a thing....

San Jose Mercury News. Only read the first few lines. I believe it
was Tuesday's paper, but now not sure. Jeff Davis are you out there?
Can you help me out? Any other cryonicists? spike

> >I saw in the local news that California had passed a new
> >law making it legal to do physician assisted suicide. Does
> >anyone know the details? Does this cover the medic if
> >the patient wants to be frozen? I understand the law makes
> >it a felony to coerce someone into suicide. Does this threaten
> >those who would introduce, or perhaps recommend,
> >cryonics to a terminal patient?
> >
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