Alpha Centauri (the game)

From: Terry Donaghe (
Date: Tue Apr 20 1999 - 09:25:23 MDT

I just bought this game last week and it has interesting
transhuman/extropian ideas in it. I searched the archives and didn't
see a previous discussion of it, so I'm posting about it now.

Alpha Centauri (actually Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri) is pretty much the
sequal to that great old game "Civilization." This is a turn based
strategy game where you control one of seven "factions" of colonists
who have landed on a new planet. You build up your territory, discover
(research) new technologies and build armies to crush your foes.

Interestingly, a lot of the technologies you can discover are
nanotechnology based. You can build Nanohospitals, Nanfactories,

The coolest or most transhuman aspect of the game is that you can win
the game by the discovery of a tech called "Ascent to Transcendence"
which is pretty much becoming Posthuman. The game even mentions
transhumans and posthumans. It's not a perfect representation of our
philosophy (it's a game afterall), but it's still refreshing to see
transhumanism presented in such a positive light (winning by becoming
Posthuman as opposed to winning by diplomacy or conquest - which are
also possible).

I reccommend the game to anyone who likes turn based strategy games.

Terry Donaghe:

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