Re: ethical problem? Some kind of problem, anyway...

From: Jocelyn Brown (
Date: Mon Apr 19 1999 - 09:27:46 MDT

>This being said, I am 31 and I have not signed up for cryonic suspension.
My rationalization for this act of pure laziness and/or stinginess is that
according to the stats, if I die in the next two decades it is most likely
to be something which leaves my brain in a useless state, and anything else
that happens is likely to give me plenty of a heads up that I will have time
to sign up for suspension before it kills me. Cryonics is a last ditch
option, which IMHO is most likely to be used by the oldsters on the list
than the youngsters. Caveat: I will probably sign up sometime in the next
ten years anyways if I wind up having a wife and kids that will make it much
more worthwhile to come back to.
>Now, if anyone can disabuse me of my current rationalizations...I would
appreciate it...

I was 13 years old when I was diagnosed with acute lympocytic leukemia. It
can happen to anyone, at anytime. I am now 28, and have been signed up for
suspension since I was 23 or so. My husband, Billy is also signed up (he's

That being said, from what I know of medical statistics (which probably
isn't as much as you know, Mike, since you know so much ;-)) what is most
likely to kill you in the next couple of decades is heart disease. I don't
see how this has to leave your brain in a useless state. Neither does
prostate cancer, another killer of men.

I am not a member of Cryocare (I'm signed on with Alcor), but from my
understanding their organization does not currently accept members above a
certain age, so if you wanted to go with them you would have to do it soon
(it may already be too late).

The more members a cryonics organization has, the stronger it is, and the
more likely it will be that the organization will exist ten or twenty years
from now when you need it.

A final reason to sign up now is that it doesn't cost that much money to be
signed up, so you don't have much to lose. Weigh that against the fact that
it might be harder for you to get life insurance to pay for suspension as
you get older.

I, for one, would like to see you in the future:-)

Jocelyn Brown

GCA d- s: a- C++ U--- P--- L-- W+ N w+ M- PS+++ PE+++ Y+ t--- 5++ X+ R+ tv+
b++ DI++ D+ G e+ h- r+++ x+++++

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