Re: A 50,000-year time capsule in space...

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Sat Apr 17 1999 - 23:20:43 MDT

Don't forget to store it in a vacuum or noble gas so there is no oxidization.

Michael S. Lorrey wrote:

> James Rogers wrote:
> >
> > Normal production CDs have an aluminum recording surface. The aluminum
> > slowly oxidizes, either by exposure to atmospheric oxygen (it leaks in
> > along the exposed edges), or from very slow oxidation reactions with the
> > surrounding media.
> Actually, I may have a good low cost solution. The reason the aluminum
> degrades is because it is so thin. Ruger has perfected a method of
> investment casting an aluminum/aluminum oxide matrix material which is
> harder than titanium and is as resistant to oxidation as gemstone
> (aluminum oxide is ruby or sapphire?). They are using this material for
> their soon to be released line of golf club driver heads.
> Cast disks or cards or this material and burn it with either a laser or
> electron beam for a long lasting media.
> Mike Lorrey

Ross Andrew Finlayson
"C is the speed of light."

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