October Sky/Rocket Boys

From: Max More (max@maxmore.com)
Date: Sat Apr 17 1999 - 21:01:19 MDT

I've been too busy to read the list much lately but have glanced at some
posts about The Matrix. Today, Natasha and I saw a movie that, while not
having the flash, budget, or promotion of The Matrix, had more of an impact
on me. The movie is October Sky, though it would have been better named
Rocket Boys (the title of the book it was based on).

I found October Sky highly extropic, as well as a well done piece of '50s
Americana. The title comes from the profound effect on the life of a 17
year old boy in a coal-mining town in 1957 of seeing Sputnik passing in the
night sky. He decides that a life in the coal mines is not for him, and
that he's going to build rockets. Many obstacles stand in the way, but
courage, determination, persistence, intelligence, and the good will and
cooperation of others win out. It's based on a true story (if that matters
to you). It's only showing in a couple of places in Los Angeles so catch it
soon, or look for it on video.

No high tech special effects, no famous actors or director, no uploaded
minds, but pretty damn extropic!



Max More, Ph.D.
<max@maxmore.com> or <more@extropy.org>


Implications of Advanced Technologies
President, Extropy Institute: http://www.extropy.org
EXTRO 4 Conference: Biotech Futures. See http://www.extropy.org/ex4/e4main.htm

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