Re: LIST: the Gooies

From: Lyle Burkhead (
Date: Tue Apr 13 1999 - 15:40:43 MDT

Dan Fabulich writes,

> I've got a new one for you. You've tried straw-man.
> You've tried parody. You've even tried direct ad hominem.
> Have you considered presenting your points in clear
> straight-forward essay style?

See my reply to Eliezer on the Geniebusters thread. Or, see Geniebusters

You might try heeding your own advice, by the way. You accuse me of using
straw-man arguments, but you don't say which arguments you are referring
to. I'd like to see a clear, straightforward essay from you on that point.
 Please show me which of my arguments are straw-man arguments.


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