the Focus

From: Wei Dai (
Date: Mon Apr 12 1999 - 13:51:28 MDT

I have to agree with Robin on the Matrix. It's ok as an action flick, but
there really isn't much to talk about, except to develop patches for the
plot. Hopefully we'll have open-source movies soon so these kinds of bugs
can be fixed before release.

I recently read Vernor Vinge's _A Deepness in the Sky_. Everyone here
probably already knows about this book so I won't bother to recommend it
except to say go read it now if you haven't already.

(Spoiler warning)

I would love to see some more discussion of the book here. So to start it
off, how plausible do you think the Focus is? In the book, the Focus is
near the upper limit of technology in the Slow Zone, and was only
discovered by accident. But I can't tell if Vinge really believes it would
be difficult to invent or if that is just a plot device. If such
technology can be developed, is it something extropians should support?

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