What movie would you make? Re: Matrix Shmatrix

From: Brian Atkins (brian@posthuman.com)
Date: Sun Apr 11 1999 - 01:56:48 MDT

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> This movie is also very dangerous in that it plants in people minds the
> idea that the Singularity that many of us predict for around 2025 is
> going to be an evil thing (Morpheus says that's when the AI enslaved
> humanity).

Yes which brings us full circle back to my first post on the list
regarding this movie. Going from a suggestion Eliezer made to
me, what kind of movie would you make if you decided to do one?
What kind of plots can you imagine that would show off the memes
you want to get across?

"Knowing the path is not the same as walking it."
          -Morpheus _The Matrix_

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