Re: Matrix Shmatrix

From: Scott Badger (
Date: Sat Apr 10 1999 - 08:41:14 MDT

I had a great time at this film. Besides being great eye-candy, there were
some exciting ideas in it . But I love to punch holes as much as the next
guy so . . .

Robin Hanson wrote:

> On the negative side, humans cloud the skys to take solar energy
> away from AIs, who then grow humans as energy sources, putting
> them in a virtual reality to distract them from being eaten?!

I have to agree that the basic idea of using human bodies as energy sources
is a real stretch. Why not other animals or geothermal or nuclear or lots
of other sources.

And even if there was something unique about our efficacy as an energy
source, why go to the trouble of creating and maintaining this elaborate
simulation when they could simply keep the humans in a comatose and
unconscious state preventing the need for a Matrix program.

> Special humans born with an ability to hack the AI's operating
> system better than the AIs?! AIs who have to run and chase
> things in their virtual reality rather than just deleting the
> relevant files?! AIs too stupid to out guess spunky humans
> or to find the hidden human "city" on an Earth run by AIs?
> A fight for human freedom lead by an all-knowing "oracle" who
> gives orders and explains little? Pleeaase.
> An engrossing cartoon perhaps, but hardly a fruitful basis
> for thinking about the future. Similar but better movies
> were Dark City and Total Recall.

One idea that was generated in the movie made me wince a little. When
Morpheus was captured the agent was doing that thing that the bad guy always
does before he kills the good guy...tells all. He told Morpheus that the
original simulation was a paradise for humans, but it didn't work out
because there's something about human nature that prevents us from adapting
to such an environment. It would seem that we are wired for misery. Very
non-transhumanistic I must say. And wouldn't that idea suggest that humans
would not be able to adapt to heaven if it existed?

I also didn't particularly care for the mystical component to what should
have remained a hard sci-fi yarn. The "one" who had lived before and was
prophesied to return, i.e. the savior meme.

Still think I'll see it again. :^)


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