Re: LIST: Singularitarians

From: Lyle Burkhead (
Date: Fri Apr 09 1999 - 12:39:11 MDT

Eliezer writes,

> By bringing together the aspiring-but-poor
> Singularity enthusiast and the vaguely altruistic Internet tycoon
> together into one community...
> standards on qualities such as "dedication to the Singularity"
> will be relaxed to the extent of letting in any random millionaire
> who thinks s/he "might" be interested.

This reminds me of a skit I saw on Laugh-In many years ago.

Goldie Hawn: (in a bright, chirpy, airhead voice) Guess what, Dan! I
joined the Dumb People's Club!

Dan Rowan: The Dumb People's Club? What's that, Goldie?

Goldie: Well, it's this club. I paid $25,000 to join, and I got a
membership card and a certificate.


Dan: Is that all?

Goldie: Yes.

Dan: Now wait a minute, Goldie... You paid $25,000 to join this club,
and all you got was a membership card and a certificate?

Goldie: Yes.

Dan: Goldie, you've got to be really dumb to join a club like that.

Goldie: Yes!


Eliezer, you should get together with Mike Lorrey. The same millionaires
who would invest in the Lorrey Drive would also invest in the Singularity.
You could form a club, called the Science Fiction Investor's Club. Charge
them $25,000,000 to join, and give them a membership card and a


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