Caffeine withdrawal advice (was Re: Is Medicine Healthy? addiction to stress)

Date: Fri Apr 09 1999 - 09:33:34 MDT

In a message dated 99-04-09 05:14:34 EDT, (KPJ) writes:

> A relatively short time
> ago I read about the caffeine withdrawal symptoms and I decided to try
> to experience and recognize them. I therefore ended caffeine consumption,
> and experienced two weeks of horror and misery. After these two weeks the
> mental iron curtain rised. I note much lower stress levels, and generally
> an increased intellectual and memory functionality. Much less information
> overload now.
> I suggest others try the caffeine fast, to see if they can confirm the data.

Caffeine is a diuretic and leaves you dehydrated. Part of the withdrawal from
caffeine (not all) comes just from the symptoms of dehydration. So if you
go on a caffeine fast, drinks lots and lots of water.

I don't notice any advantage to being off caffeine in general except that when
I'm drinking caffeine regularly I have to make sure I'm getting the right dose
-too much or too little causes trouble. Off caffeine, the dosage is easy (=

(Just to tweak the hunters of the Great White Nootropic, caffeine is one of
best nootropics known. :-)

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