Re: Facial expression recognition software

From: Aaron Davidson (
Date: Thu Apr 08 1999 - 17:57:06 MDT

>> The system's creators said it is as accurate as a trained psychologist and
>> capture and identify subliminal expressions that pass over a face
>> before a "posed" expression is consciously assumed. That makes the
>> potentially applicable as a lie detector.
>Despite their success in chess, nobody has yet made a computer that
>can come anywhere close to even a moderately good human in poker.
>Sounds like this bulwark of human skill is falling too. (For those
>of you who believe that poker is a game of chance, please bring
>your money to Sacramento and I will demonstrate otherwise:-)

It is preciscely this challenge which I will be working on this summer. A
group of AI researchers at the University of Alberta (including one ex
Poker Pro) are attempting to develop a world-class poker playing program.

I'm just an undergrad summer student, so my input will no doubt be limited.
It certainly is a tough problem -- the incomplete information, bluffing,
and opponent modelling are much trickier tasks than closed information
games such as chess.

If any group can do it it will be these guys though -- Dr. Jonathan
Schaeffer, the lead researcher, has already conquered checkers with his
famous 'chinook' program, the world champion checkers player.

A module that examined camera-feed images to analyze opponent's poker-faces
would certainly be an advantage ;-). The computer has the ultimate


| Aaron Davidson | <> |
| Silicon Creek Software | <> |

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