Re: POL: Anarchism vs Limited Government

From: Ron Kean (
Date: Thu Apr 08 1999 - 00:22:59 MDT

On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 13:05:08 -0500 "Billy Brown" <>
>Ron Kean wrote:
>> In practice, a limited amount of initiation of force may be a price
>> has to be paid in order to have a functioning criminal and civil
>> system.
>I agree with this, but there is an additional point that I think must
>kept in mind with regards to schemes for privately produced law. Any
>that has the power to make laws, and to enforce them, has a de facto
>to initiate the use of force against anyone it doesn't like. This
>power can
>be controlled in various ways, but we must start by realizing that it
>Billy Brown, MCSE+I

Yes, this is the big conundrum posed by the establishment of government,
even among those of good will. The US constitution provides for the
common defense, and general welfare. And here we are.

Ron Kean





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