RE: Is Medicine Healthy?

From: Robin Hanson (
Date: Wed Apr 07 1999 - 10:56:54 MDT

On 4/6/99, Hal Finney wrote:
>I don't like going to doctors either, but then I think of cases like
>muppeteer Jim Henson, who died of pneumonia a couple of years ago. I
>can't help thinking that if he'd gone to the doctor instead of waiting
>for that darn cough to go away, he'd be alive today.

The trouble with aneqdotes is, of course, that one can also find lots
of cases of people who died because they did go to a doctor.

Robin Hanson
RWJF Health Policy Scholar FAX: 510-643-8614
140 Warren Hall, UC Berkeley, CA 94720-7360 510-643-1884
after 8/99: Assist. Prof. Economics, George Mason Univ.

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