Re: melissa and her daughters

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 23:49:02 MDT

Ross A. Finlayson wrote:

> Those people who got afflicted with this Melissa macro (I won't call it a
> virus, viruses are cool and take skill)

Thanks Ross! I was hoping someone would point this out. {8^D

> are at fault for using insecure communication methods...

Or are at fault for not disabling MS Word macros. Mostly I see
Microsloth is at fault for not lifting a corporate finger to secure
word macros against just such a thing. As Peter McCluskey
pointed out, the concept virus was known, a loooong time
ago, yet, as far as I know, Microsloth is stillll shipping Word
with macros enabled, a feature which will be used by few,
but is a dangerously efficient superhighway for creating and
spreading malicious code.

> People assume too much from this tacit agreement stuff, and shifting the
> topic, informed consumerism is a difficult thing to achieve.

Difficult? Its impossible. The software company should assume at
least a modicum of responsibility. It would be easy to write a
safeguard that will disallow a word macro from invading the
user's address book, creating a jillion copies of itself, and scattering
them like the leaves of autumn. Im not a software type, but
am I alone here? Is not Microsoft at least partially to blame for
the melissa fiasco? spike

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