RE: Is Medicine Healthy?

From: Lyle Burkhead (
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 17:39:52 MDT

Is the list healthy?

Michael Butler writes,

> Thanks to Robin and other participants for a stimulating,
> non-acrimonious subject of discourse. :)

I had forgotten how much stress is involved in reading the list. In the
last week and a half (since I started reading the list again) I have been
amazed at the level of acrimony. This isn't the way people normally talk
to each other in everyday life, at least not where I live. Maybe in Russia
or Yugoslavia... Of course I'm not denying that I do it myself. I like
the adrenaline rush from a flame war as much as anybody. (Meet me after
school, Billy, in the parking lot behind the gym ;-) But I wonder, what
effect do e-mail arguments have on our health? In spite of our talk about
life extension, we may all die before our time, just from the stress.

Unless we can break the habit.


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