RE: Nanotech has gone mainstream

From: Billy Brown (
Date: Mon Apr 05 1999 - 22:13:40 MDT

Spike Jones wrote:
> Gina Miller wrote:
> > Drexler is not a character as described. He does not go around "thumbing
> > his nose" at others in the arena. As a matter of fact from some of these
> > responses, I'd say it's the other way around. Does anyone here know him
> > personally. He is not a downlooker. Gina "nanogirl" Miller
> Gina, I met the K. Eric at the first nano conference (in I think '91). I
> had to struggle to not fall prostrate crying "Im unworthy! I suuuuck!"
> But the man was as plain as tap water. Put me at right ease, he
> didnt put on airs, treated me like I was a normal human being. Science
> should clone about a couple hundred more like him. {8^D spike

I met him at a Space Society convention around the same time, and had a
similar experience. He was always careful to get his facts right, limit his
statements to what they support, and in general avoid wild speculations. I
remember him listening politely to quite a few people who obviously had no
clue what they were saying, and he never showed a trace of that air of
superiority so many celebrities put on.

Billy Brown, MCSE+I

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