Re: why 30? one good woman will suffice/SPIKE

From: Gina Miller (
Date: Wed Mar 31 1999 - 15:59:57 MST

>> But as you say, NASA or whatever relevant parties, do not cater to
>> training crippled
>> women for space...

Spike wrote:
>NASA must change. I suspect we will hafta go around NASA to get
>anything really creative done. They *must* be conservative because
>they are NASA and they hafta deal with public relations. A Mars
>colony requires thinking outside the box. And, let us not sell NASA
>too short: some wacky ideas may start to grow on them.

You are aware that there are plans for Mars colonization already in the
works arn't you?
Have you made them any purposals?

 ...that I am a "small woman, who has had a car wreck that
 left me with rods in my leg" (almost left without my leg)....

>owwww. {8-[ Sorry to hear that. Glad you are back on your feet.
>Would a bigger car have helped? (Very extropian)

No, the car rolled endless amounts of times, and I was thrown out twenty
feet, landed on my left foot. No size of car would have helped the
situation. My friend died in this wreck, and nothing can save him now
either. No more puns on bigger cars please.

 I did not mean to imply that this girl I spoke of does not
>love life as much as you and I do. She does, I can assure you.

We must remember everyone is of value, even if they lack something we

>As for wouldnt miss much, this might be a key point.
>Our current track star astronauts might go crazy cooped
>up in a farm capsule for... ever. There are humans that are preadapted
to this kind of existence: those who are bound to their homes for health
reasons. My spina biffida example: she would not miss running aroundin
a field of tall grass, shes never been able to do that. She would not
miss sex, this being out of the question for her. She would not miss
quaffing a thick steak, shes a vegetarian. She can entertain herself
for indefinite periods of time with a computer, as she has done for her
whole life and could continue to do on the long trip to Mars.

I think it would be the same compromises for her as for anyone else.
You'd be surporized what physically challenged people are able to do.

>I did realize there was a weakness in my previous arguement: that
>the spina bifida victim could take a number of frozen embryos to
>self implant if things go well. In the example I gave, her pelvis is
>not a whole lot bigger now than it was when she was born. I am
>not at all sure that her womb is functional, or if so, how the pelvis
>could be modified to allow both self implantation of a frozen embryo
>and childbirth without help.
>Perhaps someone who is up on current medical technology could
>help me out here: could an undeveloped vagina be surgically modified
>into a workable birth canal assuming all voluntary muscles below the
>sternum are nonfunctional? Could the pelvis be split into two parts
>for instance and connected by a releasable device? I understand nature
provides a cartilage in the female pelvis that comes unglued during the
birth process. Could the medics invent something that mimics this

Have you considered any genetic or cloning alternatives to your
medically crude ideas?

Gina "Nanogirl" Miller
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