Re: NOW: Extropian links

From: Aaron Davidson (
Date: Sun Mar 28 1999 - 17:07:41 MST

>OK, I've got a modest project that I actually do think we can work on right
>The "Extropian ideas" webpage hasn't been updated for a long time. There
>are important areas with no links, in addition to areas which are simply
>absent. Let's flesh these out, and add more on top of that!

How about a section for "Extropians on the Web" -- a directory of
extropians with home pages. They may not be directly related to
extropianism, but it could be a useful resource for those of us who would
like to snoop around and see what other extropians are like on a more
personal level.


| Aaron Davidson | <> |
| Silicon Creek Software | <> |

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