Re: NOW(-ish): Education

From: Ross A. Finlayson (
Date: Sun Mar 28 1999 - 15:42:13 MST


Academia is certainly losing some of its luster in light of freely available
Internet educational resources.

Calculators should not be allowed in elementary and secondary math classes.
Paper, pencil, rulers, and compasses are allowed.

Baseball caps of improper size restrict blood flow to the brain, and thus
should not be allowed to be worn in class.

A proper nutritional regimen should be federally mandated in all school lunch
programs. This might involve vitamin supplements.

Overprescription of mood-altering drugs to children is the wrong approach for
"attention deficit disorder", a more correct approach would be giving students
something interesting. Mood-altering medication should only be prescribed for
severely emotionally disturbed children.

Standardized tests, and testing in general, are important and relatively
unbiased measures of scholastic aptitude and ability.

Teachers should be well versed in their subjects.

The schools should get together and make a huge emporium of educational
resources for all.

I am not a "professional" educator, but I strive to be a good one.

Teaching methods used for gifted and talented accelerated track learning should
be applied to all students.

The primary goal of education should be the imbuement of problem solving skills
and the ability to learn and reason, rote memorization is important for
spelling and medicine, among other things. Etymology should be taught on all

The fundamentals of learning and knowledge are an important foundation for

Ross F.

Ross Andrew Finlayson
"C is the speed of light."

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