Re: NOW:What needs doing/NASA link

From: Gina Miller (
Date: Thu Mar 25 1999 - 23:40:46 MST

You can search NASA's web site (including archives) at:

Gina "Nanogirl" Miller

>I've thought for quite a while that one approach might be to find
>(perhaps in NASA's archives) a product that requires 0/micro gravity to
>be produced and attempt to capitalize on that as a means of
>jump-starting a private space effort.
>Another possibility might be to devise a _cheap_ way of accessing
>asteroid resources.
>i.e.: solar sail probes to locate promising bodies and light weight
>(mylar?) mirrors combined with solar powered MHD separators and either
>rail gun or sail return of refined materials to LEO.
>Regardless of progress in other field we _must_ have a way off this mud
>BTW, I've heard that NASA has a fairly complete project worked out for
>Von Numan
>Lunar processing facility. Does anyone know anything about this or is
>just another rumor?

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