Re: MIL: Warfare Basics

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Mar 25 1999 - 06:55:19 MST wrote:

> >
> > The problem with ABM systems is that so far no-one has ever been able to
> > build one that works worth a damn.
> >
> I beleive you might just be wrong about that...
> The Patriot comes to well as the Ageis systems...not to mention
> (admittedly still unbuilt) the new laser anti missle systems..

Patriot is a system for terminal defense from tactical ballistic missiles, not
strategic missiles, which reenter much faster. Aegis is an
anti-aircraft/anti-cruise missile missile. Its not built for ballistic targets.
The Phalanx gun, however, has been customized in a test program as a terminal
defense system against strategic ballistic warheads and worked pretty well.

The THAAD is for exo-atmospheric work, the mid phase of a ballistic trajectory.

Mike Lorrey

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