Re: When Humans are Obsolete (MSNBC)

From: Joe Jenkins (
Date: Wed Mar 24 1999 - 13:31:12 MST

--- "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <> wrote:
> Joe Jenkins wrote:
> >
> > > As you know, I think consciousness is noncomputable.
> >
> > This is a highly controversial statement for the extropians list.
> Would
> > you please provide an argument to support it? If it has been recently
> > debated, a pointer to the thread title would suffice.
> Quite true. I don't actually think I've debated it recently... about
> two, three years back, with John K Clark, was the last time I said
> anything at all. I'm afraid I'm not interested in debating it again,
> though. Sorry.
> Basically, I used to be a Strong AIer, until I tried to define
> computation in observer-independent terms - whether process A
> instantiates process B - and wound up with a lot of basic elements of
> cognition (many of which made it into _Coding_) but no objective
> definition. I concluded that the Turing formalism formalized human
> reasoning rather than physical law. Fini.

Ok, forget Turing for now then. What physical process occurs in your
that is not computable? Or, are you claiming you are not concious?

Joe Jenkins

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