Re: Tainted quote

Date: Tue Mar 23 1999 - 06:21:45 MST

joe dees [] wrote:
>believe that judicial action should be taken against the Ruby Ridge sniper,

They tried. The Feds took jurisdiction and then decided there was no case.
What further course of action is there available to that maniac's victims,
other than violence? I'm not saying that violence would be justified, just
pointing out that when the government declares itself above the law, it's
asking for a violent response from those who have no other recourse.

>but in the case of Davis Koresh, he wes malignantly evil and his followers
>were brainless and sick sheep, handing their children over to be molested.
>That bigamous pederast "preacher" and his flock just did a Jim Jones with >flaming koolaid.

You do, of course, have some evidence to back up these claims? No, I thought

Have you ever seen 'Waco: Rules of Engagement'? If not, I really suggest you
watch it, because you can't begin to understand why there is so much outright
hatred of the Federal government until you have... The federal agents involved
in that massacre were truly malignantly evil and extremely sick; through
accident or design these maniacs burnt down a church full of women and
children. Doesn't that horrify you? Do you think the Founders of the United
States would just sit back and watch while federal agents burnt down a
church because the people inside might have some fully-automatic weapons
that they hadn't paid a tax on?

And, BTW, where exactly did you get the idea that the BATF and FBI have any
jurisdiction in child abuse cases? Cases which had been investigated by the
Texas authorities and proven false? 'Protecting the children' is the last
refuge of the authoritarian scumbag, except when they're Iraqi children, in
which case they have to die in order to save us from Saddam Hussein.


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