Re: Powerful Extropian Memes

From: Christian Weisgerber (
Date: Sat Mar 13 1999 - 19:45:13 MST

Terry Donaghe <> wrote:

> Humans with our technology have done great damage to our planet (or at
> least parts of it). The left-greenies (Al Gore comes to mind) suggest
> that we should rethink our reliance on technology as a possible
> solution. Us Extropians know that that's hogwash.

BTW, how much environmental change is actually due to industrialization?
Stone Age Polynesians turned Easter Island into a desert. What about the
deforrestation of much of Europe?

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber         
LinuxTag '99 - 26./27. Juni, Uni Kaiserslautern -

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