Re: Extropianism & Theology

From: KPJ (
Date: Thu Mar 11 1999 - 00:28:05 MST

It appears as if <> wrote:
| I think we have both delineated some possible models of the personalities
|of Powers. I would guess that we weigh the various probabilities of these
|various models differently. I suppose my goal is to strive to discover,
|create, and/or become post-Singularity Power(s) which have the values I have
|come to cherish in humanity, preferably with a minimum of the faults. You say
|that there is only fairness among equals? I would go even further and say
|that the Universe is a profoundly unfair place, even for those engaged in
|overall equal relationships, because I doubt that any two beings are ever
|completely equally matched in their advantages and disadvantages over time.
|Sometimes one is more powerful, sometimes the other. Now, I happen to believe
|that we should work to impose some degree of "fairness" upon the Universe, by
|which I mean some sort of consistent (though not static) set of rules for
|living in a society which will maximize the potential for personal growth and
|freedom while minimizing harm and fear thereof. Now these two are not always
|complementary values, thus there are many possible ideas as to what the
|optimum society is. Extropianism puts a premium on freedom and self-
|determinism, allowing a large amount of risk and uncertainty, but limits that
|freedom when it comes to those who try to take it away from others (which is a
|perfectly reasonable constraint in my opinion). Other systems weigh these
|competing values differently. Getting a little off-topic here....let's just
|say I agree it is easier to have a "fair" system among relative equals. I do
|not know that it is impossible to have a "fair" system among those of varying
|abilities; I can imagine a community of those of unequal levels of ability who
|share a similar worldview nontheless and would be willing to all live by the
|same code of social interaction. I would say that a system which treats
|everyone as equals is not realistic....what about one that treats all persons
|as precious, from the least puny brain to the greatest Power, of unique worth
|in and of itself.

Hopefully the entity which becomes a Power in your vicinity share your views.

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