Hubble in spin

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Thu Mar 11 1999 - 09:26:05 MST


NASA will launch an emergency
                  repair mission this fall to the Hubble
                  Space Telescope, which is in danger
                  of shutting down.

                  NASA decided Wednesday to move
                  up the next regularly scheduled
                  Hubble visit to October so that
                  spacewalking astronauts can fix the
                  telescope's deteriorating pointing
                  system. The mission had been set for
                  June 2000.

                  Two of Hubble's six gyroscopes, needed for pointing and
stability, have
                  failed since astronauts' last service call, in 1997. And
a third gyroscope is
                  partly broken and is considered unreliable.

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