Re: LEGAL: Alternatives to imprisonment

From: den Otter (
Date: Sat Mar 06 1999 - 09:29:08 MST

> From:

> I wholeheartedly agree that in future the Justice system should include
> provisions for as full of Restitution as possible to the victims of crime from
> the perpetrators. But I do not believe this is adequate in and of itself.

Agreed, restitutions/fines should only be used as a supplement in
more serious cases (violent offence, murder, rape, large fraud/theft,
great damage to property etc.)

> For example, if you had enough resources you simply wouldn't care, you could
> just do what you want and pay your way out of it. Also, this would not stop
> the impoverished from committing crime, if you don't have anything to take,
> what have you to lose? And lastly, there are some crimes where recompensation
> is impossible. How do you recompensate the victims of murder and their
> families? Some things just can't be made right.

Some proposals:
Murder --->capital punishment, with cryonic suspension (so that
there's at least a chance to reverse the verdict when the person
is proven innocent in retropsect).

(Btw, check out this great pro-CP page:
See also:

When reversible suspension becomes available, it could be used
for lesser crimes instead of imprisonment.

Violent offenders should receive corporal punishment and,
depending on the severity of the offense, be either
put in prison for an x number of years (or life, in very
severe cases), or released into society with a tracking
device (ankle bracelet, for example, or an implant). This
could either be temporary or permanent, depending on
the specifics of the crime. Violent offenders released
from prison would receive the same treatment.

Fines would suffice for lesser non-violent crimes, with
prison (labor camp?) terms for more serious offences
and repeat offenders.

The victims of a crime should _always_ receive restitution
by the offender, with indefinite jail terms for those [offenders]
that refuse to pay.

False accusations should be punished very severely (same
sentence that the falsely accused would have received).

When uploading becomes available, one could place criminals
into a bible-based "techno-hell" where they are tortured for all
eternity, or for some predetermined period, according to the
severity of the crime.

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