Re: GUNS: Accidental Deaths

From: Eric Ruud (
Date: Thu Mar 04 1999 - 13:45:29 MST

>Eric Ruud [] wrote:
>>If I carried a gun, as you seem
>>to be suggesting I should as a law abiding citizen, my risk of dying by my
>>own gun would probably be higher than me dying in the bathroom.
>About 50% of US households have a gun; even if you double the number of
accidental gun deaths to take account of that, there are still more people
>killed in bathroom accidents than gun accidents.
> Mark

Your method of thinking about this is a bit odd, I must say. I think I
follow what you're saying, but I don't agree. If I took a loaded gun with me
every time I went into the bathroom, what would kill me? The tiles or the
gun? Or am I just getting kooky?


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