Re: Re: Old wars...

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Mar 04 1999 - 10:16:05 MST

> However, only an innocent can question the need for secrecy in wartime.
> I hope you can keep your innocence forever, but in my mind, that very
> innocence disqualifies your judgement in the manner.

I have no bloody use for innocence; I'm even on record saying that
children should be exposed to more sex and violence becuase
maintaining their innocence is only an illusion for our benefit,
not theirs.

Even in wartime, where keeping strategic information out of the
hands of the enemy is vital, /some/ secrets are clearly just
self-deceit and ass-covering. Troop counts and locations are
justifiably secret. Denying the very existence of the war for
several years, and keeping major campaigns secret from Congress,
are not justified by any stretch of military logic.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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