Re: META: Problems with collaborative filtering (was Re: Improving the list (was: Can we please dekookify the list?))

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Mar 03 1999 - 10:17:07 MST

KPJ wrote:

> It appears as if Bartley R. Troyan <> wrote:
> |
> |I don't like the idea of Kookify/Glorify as I understand it. Let's say you
> |all decide I'm a Kook and virtually everyone heavily Kookifies me by clicking
> |the Kookify link at the bottom of every message I send to the list. I don't
> |care how you prevent multiple votes (it's not that hard), but it won't make a
> |difference in the end... If I post a lot of rubbish for a while, I will attain
> |an extremely high level of Kookiness after a short time.

Your own kookiness level will be directly proportional to how much you conform to
the norm. I am rather disturbed at this idea of using a system of peer pressure to
shout down and ignore the voices which state "truths that we all know but don't
want to talk about or admit to". This is using conventional wisdom to wipe out the
unconventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom is rarely correct.

What this will do as extropy becomes more widely known is to dilute the extropian
message (as we are already seeing) to more vanilla, pleasing to the eyes of the
masses, flavors. The radical founders will be relegated to the margin, since their
ideas will then be seen as kooks by the more conservative masses, and extropy will
dissolve to meaninglessness.

I for one don't want my messages kookified by the
socialist/statist/anti-liberty/anti-individuality types who are on the list. All it
will take is one or two determined people who want to turn off the extropian
message is to subscribe to the list multiple times and kookify any posting they
disagree with.

Mike Lorrey

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