Re: META: Voluntary policing

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Tue Mar 02 1999 - 22:51:53 MST

Some more points:

List etiquette would allow you to ignore any anonymous ratings.
It would not allow you to argue with thumbs-down ratings.

Optional feature: Your daily summary contains the average number of
worthits for each message. This tells you if you are over or under.

Optional feature: Each week, a message is sent listing the Top Five
comments (in largest numbers of $public cheers). I think that this will
spur healthy competition without generating envy. Note that it does not
list the Top Five posters; this system centers on messages only.

Design issue: Eliminating multiple responses. For HTML, put a hidden
field (with an ID unique to each message and recipient) inside the FORM.
 For the mail, put the ID in the Reply-To: field - i.e., the return
message will read:
To: Extropy023935032 <> Storing 1000 IDs for the
last 1000 messages will take 4MB. Atkins made that possible, easily.

Design issue: Store all the comments made, permanently and forever;
information must never be lost. Atkins' $10K should suffice to buy
enough disk space for that. We may want to use them someday for
collaborative filtering, finding friends in opinion space, or a "Best Of
Extropians" archive.

--         Eliezer S. Yudkowsky

Disclaimer:  Unless otherwise specified, I'm not telling you
everything I think I know.

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