Re: PHIL: Is it ethical to create special purpose sentients?

From: Timothy Bates (
Date: Sun Feb 28 1999 - 22:33:41 MST

Like Ronald Reagan, much of my life appears to be remembered through movies

Check out Sigourney Weaver in "Alien Resurrection" and then let us know what
you all think. There is one scene (without spoiling the movie) that really
made me rethink notions of cloning etc: It doesn't always work out

Anyhow, my vote is that creating a slave is slavery and I oppose it. Even if
they don't. I also believe that free thought necessarily entails a desire
for freedom, so I hold the thought experiment of sentient being who loves
slavery to be null.

> Thought I would throw this question out. Is it ethical to create
> specially designed sentient beings which would be engineered to do specific
> tasks? Would it be ethical for their creators to profit from the labor of
> their creations? Esentially, we're talking about the possibility of a perfect
> slave caste, willing and able to serve general purpose sentients (like us) in
> whatever capacity we design them to. What do you all think?
> Glen Finney

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