IQ correlations....

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Fri Feb 26 1999 - 11:47:00 MST

Here's an interesting bit off of JR Molloy's virtropy list:

> From: Ron Richardson
> Someone asked about this last week. At the Mensa NH RG on the weekend
> I spoke with Miles Storfer of Worcester MA who has done some work in
> this area. He's not plugged in to the electronic global brain, but
> agreed that I could paraphrase what he said. I can't answer to any of
> the following, and might make errors in representating his
> views/results.
> Intelligent people (~top 2 or 5 % IQ I think) have:
> - same or slightly more left handedness
> - increased mixed handedness (not sure which hand to use)
> - Myopia pre age 10 at 5x general population,
> and also increased severity.
> - Allergies at 3x gen pop.
> - Higher uric acid levels.
> Intelligence correlation to brain size is .40 or .45.
> It's neo-cortex size that seems to be important here.
> Women have the same IQ as men, Storfer says, except for 3D spacial
> abilities.
> Publications by Miles Storfer:
> "Intelligence and Giftedness..." Jossey Bass pub 1990
> "Perceptual Motor Skills" (perhaps article in IJN?) ~1996
> and a monograph on this subject is expected in the International
> Journal of Neuroscience in the next few months.

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