META: Off-Topic Discussions (Flight 800)

From: The Baileys (
Date: Fri Feb 26 1999 - 00:20:21 MST

I believe I'm fairly good at discerning patterns from what might otherwise
appear to be completely unrelated concepts or topics. However, I am
experience complete failure when I attempt to identify how the discussion
of Flight 800 minuitae relates to transhumanist or extropian thought. Until
someone enlightens me on such a relationship, I'm all for moving the
discussion to private email, alt.conspiracy, or some other forum.

With all due respect to those currently engaged in the discussion, I've
been very impressed with the objectivity and rationality of conspiracy-
types and I'm concerned about the impression that new subscribers
and potential subscribers perusing the archives might get when they
see that type of subject matter on the list.

Doug Bailey

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