Re: Re: God: Why argue?

Date: Thu Feb 25 1999 - 16:16:38 MST

In a message dated 2/25/99 6:26:11 PM, you wrote:

<<Yes. Why argue? Man invented gods because of the fear of the unknown... Now
that the
Universe is not so unknown as it was for the Neanderthals, what is the excuse?
Maybe the Neanderthals are not extinct after all....
As Einestein would say.... Religion is like opening a door where there is no



Would all you couragious young atheists please withhold your scorn for the
fearful neanderthals til you pass your fiftieth year.

I too, was fearless and immortal when at age nineteen I wondered the streets
of the Saigon of the sixties.

Your fearful Neanderthal friend,
Adrian Spidle

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