Re: Extropianism & Theology

Date: Thu Feb 25 1999 - 08:11:46 MST

In a message dated 99-02-25 00:16:28 EST, you write:

<< laws of physics (or at least approximations thereof) in this case makes no
 sense. What I believe Jason is saying is that no one has given any good
 reason for an extropian to waste his time and take the effort to cultivate
 theology memes. Obviously, the extropian wants to be efficient, and to have
 a sound memeset. What would be the purpose of introducing the concept of a
 god? What purpose does it serve? Believing in F=MA is very useful for the
 average extropian, myself included. I also feel it is important to know
 that E=MC^2.
 What is the utility served by theology in an extropian context?
 | Aaron Davidson | <> |

Well Aaron, you've managed to restate Jason's case without adding anything;
except for the odd questioning of the accuracy of my perfectly adequate
expression of basic physical laws ("or at least approximations thereof").

What's with that? Is this affectation part of your "sound memeset"?

The question you ignored remains...

I assert that God is an inevitable unescapable product of a technological
civilization that lasts long enough! Can you prove me wrong?

Adrian Spidle

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