Re: extropians-digest V4 #51

From: Michael Bast (
Date: Sun Feb 21 1999 - 18:08:06 MST

I have a question to pose to the list, and I am hoping to make it aat
least interesting. The question is, does anyone know of sources for
studying Cognitive Science and Psychiatry? I am getting more interested
in these fields, and am looking to eventually practise these
professionally. I have a long way to go, so even basic sources, how to
get in to graduate schools, backgrounds, etc.
The reason for my interest, and why I think this list might be the place
to look/discuss, is something odd I've noticed about very intelligent. I
know my own IQ is fairly high (to risk immodesty in order to get to the
point), and most of my friends seem intellectually the same. The problem
is that so many of them are, besides being highly intelligent, prone to
self-sabotage. They've bought into believing that they're not 'worthy'
of success, that being bright somehow makes them bad, etc. My interest
is in studying both how this comes about, and how to cure it. How do
ideas trasnlate into changes in the brains physical structure, how to
reverse these changes, etc. I am hoping this list finds this
sufficiently relevant, interesting, etc.
Mike Bast (

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